Friday, April 16, 2010

Random thoughts

Why is it that I can plan a trip and be excited about it, but once it’s time to go, I don’t want to go anymore?  I think it’s because I don’t like the traveling part.  If I could snap my fingers and be there, that would be lovely.  I know I’ve said this before, but I am not a good traveler.  I think my kids are actually better than me!  I know, that’s really sad.


Why is it that people wait until April 15th to file their taxes?  And why on earth is the government enabling people to be procrastinators by keeping the Post Offices open till midnight?  I understand people that have to pay taxes wanting to wait as long as possible to file, but even if you owe, you don’t have to pay when you file.  You just have to pay by April 15th.  Sometimes I just really don’t understand other people’s thought process.


Why is it that the Princess likes to eat pepperoni pizza, but pulls all the pepperoni’s off and eats them separately?  That, I believe is a question that the world will never have an answer for.

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