Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Just let me do it!

I have been banished. 

By me.

Hubby is in the kitchen helping G-man make a birdhouse for scouts.  I really wanted to just do it for him, so instead of taking over like I so desperately wanted to do, I banished myself to the other room.  Then decided to blog about it.

I have this thing about letting my children do projects.  I don’t want them to.  It’s just so much easier, quicker, and generally looks better if I make whatever craft or art project they need to make.  I realize that if I always do the project they will never learn and never get better at making things, so I decided years ago that Hubby needed to be in charge of that department.  He usually has an infinite amount of patience, and is good at teaching them how to do things instead of just saying, “Here, let me do it,” as I am chomping at the bit to do. 

I think I’ll wait till it’s done before I go back and check on them.  Then I won’t be tempted to hurry and put some of it together while they aren’t looking! 

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