Monday, August 30, 2010

Who says parables only happened in Biblical times?

When I dropped Squanner off at kindergarten today, the parable of the 10 virgins came to mind when I looked around me.  Maybe you might think that I am a Bible scholar and examples of parables present themselves to me on a daily basis.  Well, let me tell you, I’m not and they don’t.  Maybe it came to mind because I had to read Absalom and Achitophel for school this week which is a veerrrryy looooooong and drawn out poem that draws an analogy between King Charles II and King David of the Old Testament and bible analogies were already on my mind.  Also I have school tonight and we’ll be discussing this very long poem.    Did I mentioned that it was a very long poem?  Because it is.  Like, over 1000 lines long.

Anyway, I’m sure we all know the parable of the 10 virgins.  Let me paraphrase; there were 10 virgins waiting for the bridegroom (Jesus) to come and they didn’t know exactly when he would arrive.  They all had lamps and only 5 were prepared and brought extra oil and they other 5 didn’t, so they were left out in the cold, so to speak when Jesus finally came.

Now I know you’re all asking, “What on earth does this have to do with kindergarten drop off?”  Or maybe those that know me well already know where this is headed.  Let me start by saying that today has been a rainy day off and on.  When we were driving to school the rain had stopped and the sun was sort of threatening to break through the clouds.  But I’ve lived in Utah long enough to know that you can never really trust the weather to stay one way.  I had dressed Squanner in jeans and a jacket (it was only about 50 degrees today) and had her bring her umbrella.

When we were waiting for the teachers to come out and get them (catch the foreshadowing here?) I looked around at the other children that were waiting.  About half were dressed appropriately for the weather, about half were not.  I saw flip flops on otherwise bare toes, there were bare little arms sticking out of short sleeve shirts, not to mention the younger siblings that were there, some that were babies in shorts with no shoes or socks on and parents in tank tops.  I’m looking around thinking that these people have to be at least a little chilly.  Then to top it all off, it starts to rain again.  The teachers still hadn’t arrived at the door yet, so all these under-prepared kids and their parents had to wait in the rain.  I bet they wished they had been a bit better prepared and brought some extra oil with them for their lamps!  Or in this case, maybe a jacket!

I swear, sometimes people just amaze me.  If you are an adult and want to go around in a tank top in the rain and 50 degree weather that’s your business.  But maybe, for the sake of your child, look out the window and try to prepare for what might lie ahead.  Because you just never know how long you are going to have to wait.

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