Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Card Conundrum

Is it bad that my Christmas cards are a bit impersonal and have no handwriting on them anywhere?

Let me give you my background on Christmas card-age.  My mom never sent out Christmas cards when I was growing up.  That’s not to say that she didn’t enjoy receiving them from other people.  In fact she still has all the cards that people have sent her from the last several years.  (I’m not sure which I find more amusing, the fact that the queen of no clutter and throwing things away has actually kept several years worth of Christmas cards, or that she keeps them in a tacky, clearly out of date plastic canvas Santa holder.) 

I decided several years ago, that I should break my family’s non-card sending tradition, I figured people might want to see a picture of my children.  So I went to the store and got those cards that you just stick a picture in.  Then I realized that I actually had to write in all of them!  I don’t have the best handwriting in the world, so between trying to keep it legible and trying to think of something somewhat witty and person appropriate, I just about gave up on the whole institution. 

Then I discovered a beautiful little thing called photo cards.  I had Hubby create one from scratch one year, but then had difficulties finding a place to print it for me at card rates instead of picture rates (card rates are cheaper!)  So I found a lovely online place that has lots of templates and you just drop the picture in, click order and they magically appear in your mailbox about 4 days later.  I was happy with these, people saw how much my kids have grown, I don’t have to write on each one, but I still hand addressed the envelopes, so they still had a bit of a personal touch.

This year I decided to involve Hubby.  I had him sit down with me last night to address the envelopes.  Now if you know my hubby, you know that if he’s involved, so is the computer.  I read off addresses, he typed them into the computer so we could print them off, which I was actually okay with, because it sure made getting them addressed snappy!  Then as I was stuffing the cards in, I thought, “Umm, there’s no handwriting on here anywhere, some people might perceive these as a tad impersonal.”  So my conundrum is, do I care?  I know that I will be receiving beautiful, handmade cards from all my sisters in law, but at this point, I don’t think I care how impersonal mine are.  I think I’m just going to be happy that I can check that task off my list and call it good!  I guess conundrum solved, right?  Right!  (at least that’s what I’m trying to convince myself!)

1 comment:

  1. I think the thing is photo cards. If it makes you feel better I made the executive decision to not to cards this year. I usually send out a form letter, and I really had quite and eventful year, but I just dont' have the energy.
    Ok, I might be talking myself into it.
