Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A day at the splash pad

I realized the other day that my two younger kids only have a week and a half left of summer!  It feels like our summer vacation just barely started and now it’s almost over!  So I thought that I needed to get them out of the house and do something fun.  TRMinator is away at scout camp for the week, so I called my mom and we took the remaining two kids to a splash pad in Riverdale.  The splash area itself isn’t that big, but there is a big park with playground equipment surrounding it.  Splash Pad 014

They went and played on the playground first.

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I was really surprised.  I thought the Princess would take to splashing in the water and the G-man would not.  She walked around for about 5 minutes, then wanted to go back to the playground and play.  G-man stayed and played in the water for quite awhile.

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Finally the Princess decided the she could go play in the water- when we were about done, so G-man stepped up to the role of big brother.

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They had fun.  Now I’m sure we’ll have to go back when TRMinator gets back!

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