I got a call from our bank this morning. The lovely sounding young man on the other end of the line (I swear, our bank only hires cute, young people) told me that they got a call from the police department last night telling them that our PIN was compromised. What?!?! So they are terminating our PIN immediately and are going to send us out new debit cards and we can’t use our old ones in the mean time. What the what?!?! Of course it’s Columbus Day Monday (big freakin deal! He discovered this country! News flash! There were already people here! They already knew about it!) so they won’t send out the cards till Tuesday because they are closed Monday. When I told him (in a possibly somewhat whiney voice) that I was going to go shopping this morning, he suggested that I go into a branch and withdraw some cash. I can’t use my PIN, see, so I can’t just drive up to an ATM, either.
Now, I don’t know about the rest of you, but using cash just kind of confuses me. It’s kind of like, it’s there one minute, then BAM! it’s gone. With my debit card, there’s seems to be some accountability. I have to write it down in my register, so I know how much I’ve spent and where. With cash it just seems to flow out, and all of the sudden it’s all gone and I have no idea where it went and why it’s gone so fast. I know, it probably doesn’t make sense, but that’s how my weird little mind works.
I went into the bank this morning to get my little wad of cash (that’s the other problem, how much should I get? I don’t know! I don’t want to get too much because I want it in my account if I’m not going to use it, but I also don’t want to get too little! I know, a serious quandary) and talked to the teller, and she said that it is actually affecting lots of people. They don’t know exactly where it happened, but apparently there was one of the phishing things on a card swipe somewhere and it sent lots of people’s information to the bad guys.
At this point, I am actually okay with the whole situation, a little annoyed, but okay with it. I’m glad that they caught whoever it was, and that we didn’t lose any money and that we weren’t the only ones, (I know, weird, but true) then I got home to go online and balance the checkbook. I check our account online usually once a day, that way I can record what the hubby has spent. I can’t log on!! My PIN was deactivated. What the #@$!!!!! Okay, now it’s personal! Seriously people, if I can’t get onto my account online and see what has cleared, I may go a little crazy. How am I supposed to know exactly how much money we have?! How am I supposed to know what has cleared our account so I can put a little check next to it in my register? How am I supposed to know how much the hubby spent yesterday, because he never thinks to tell me, and he doesn’t keep the receipts? Really, tell me how, because I’m going to go nuts!
These crooks that do this are obviously intelligent people, and they put a lot of effort into their schemes. I think they could probably get a real job, and put their efforts into legitimate things. I mean, really, get a real job, and stop messing up other people’s lives!