Monday, October 26, 2009

Attack of the Nerds

Hubby had a nerd party on Friday.  It was under the guise of a Windows 7 release party.  Hubby is a computer programmer, and he uses and programs with the Windows operating system.  He likes the Mac hardware, he just doesn’t like their operating system.  There was a company that was sponsoring Windows 7 release parties, and if you were picked to have one, (yes, you had to be chosen!) they gave you a free premium copy of the new software.  So, lo and behold, he was picked to host a party.  They sent us this party pack a week or two ago, and when I opened it I just laughed!  There were 4 packages of streamers, a pack of balloons, a poster, 10 gift bags with all sorts of little ad things to put in there and beverage napkins with the Windows 7 logo.  Wow, they want us to go all out for this party!

Friday night rolled around and by golly, I used all the stuff to decorate!  I blew up balloons, and put up streamers and put together the gift bags.  We even put some boxes of Nerd candy in there with little tags on them that said, “thanks for coming to our nerd party!”.  (my mom’s idea!)  I thought, “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this right!”nerd party 003 Of course, as soon as people started coming, I left!  I didn’t want to sit around and listen to the specs on this laptop verses that one and blah, blah, blah.  When I hear computer-speak, my eyes start glazing over, and I immediately lose interest, so I took the kids and left to go get some ice cream. 

The kind of sad thing was, the turnout wasn’t great because there were several last minute cancellations, but the few people that hubby wanted to see because he hadn’t seen them for awhile were there, so he was happy. 

I can check that off my mental list of things that I had to do, now if I can only finish up Halloween costumes!!

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